So your interested in having a beehive on your company site...
After our initial consultation we will carry out an inspection and feasibility study to identify if your site can accommodate a beehive setup. This will identify local forage in the area as well as potential sites, which could be anywhere from a corner of a car park to up on a roof. This can be done by us online.
Once feasibility is agreed we can progress, after the onsite inspection and risk assessment are complete we will install your hive/s with branded plaque identifying your company and its commitment to supporting Bee Sustainable and the local honeybee population.
This can be done anytime throughout the year prior to installing a nucleus of bees* into this hive which will be over the summer months.
*All will be explained.
Once set up we will plan weekly inspections throughout the season to ensure the hive is managed correctly with swarm management and controls identified and in place along with feeding and pest treatments being carried out throughout the year.
All with the aim of collecting a small quantity of honey for yourselves whilst leaving an adequate amount of honey to see the bees through the coming months. We will process and jar this honey and specifically brand it for your company.
Along with this we will post monthly social media updates about your hive and its current status, letting you know what's happening each month to your hive in terms of the bees lifecycle.
We will supply photos of your hive that you can use in marketing campaigns etc.
We also would like to offer employee engagement opportunities where a small number of employees can hang about and ask questions during one of our weekly inspections.
Not only will you, hopefully, get a crop of honey but you will be raising awareness of the honeybee, increasing the local pollinator population and in turn increasing the local range and quantity of wild flora.
What you get in your annual subscription
Site Inspection & agreed location identified (1st year).
Risk Assessment (yearly).
One Complete Beehive setup complete with company logo.
One full package of bees in the first year (April – July).
Hive management plan - Weekly hive inspections.
12 Jars of Honey (weather depending)
Monthly social media updates.
Copyright free photographs of your hive/s.
Opportunities for employee engagement / introduction day.
Demonstrates your ongoing commitment to corporate & social responsibility.
A positive way to contribute to biodiversity and the wider environment.
A sustainable way to support the declining honeybee population.
Multiple PR and marketing opportunities.
Copyright free photographs of your hive/s.
Your Company logo plaque on your hive.
Employee and client engagement opportunities
We can work with your company to teach employees about bees.
Your own corporate honey crop (weather-depending!).
Improves business perception to customers and local community.
Demonstrates commitment to sustainability.
Copyright © 2023 Bee Sustainable LTD - All Rights Reserved.